Extractive (incl. oil & gas), Sectors - Written by on Thursday, October 20, 2011 4:21 - 1 Comment

Mining/extractive industry Bribery Act masterclass

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We’re pleased to announce our  mining/extractive industry anti-bribery masterclass.

This will be held on Friday,  December 2nd from 3pm-5pm at our offices.

We are very fortunate that we shall be joined by mining sector industry experts from Control Risks as well as a Group Chief Compliance Officer from a large PLC well versed in the issues.

Participants will have the unique opportunity to hear about corporations do business globally in traditionally high risk jurisdictions with a zero tolerance approach to corruption.

In a very practical way this masterclasses will focus on the challenges facing a high risk industry.

The masterclass will be targeted to those who work solely in the mining and extractive industry and look at the issues and challenges they face in dealing with the Bribery Act and ongoing compliance issues.

The masterclass will run on the Chatham House Rule.

Attendance is free but places will be limited to 12 people.

If you would like to participate please email: barry.vitou@pinsentmasons.com.

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Laura Covill
Nov 1, 2011 2:05

I am the anti-bribery compliance officer at Renaissance Group, an international investment bank with a particular focus on metals and mining as well as several other industries. Our core markets are Russia/CIS and Africa.

If I am not too late I would be keen to participate!

Many thanks

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Barry Vitou &
Richard Kovalevsky Q.C.

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