Adequate Procedures, Bribery Act & Proceeds of Crime - Written by Barry & Richard on Thursday, January 5, 2012 7:14 - 0 Comments
E-learning compliance January Sale 40% off & try it for free!
January Sale for our Bribery Act e-learning system
We are offering 40% off our new e-learning tool for anti-corruption compliance in our January Sale.
Our product provides a simple, manageable and cost effective method to train and test large numbers of employees and others across businesses.
We charge a flat annual cost of £2000. However if you sign up in January then we are offering our new learning tool for £1200 in the first year a massive 40% off…
There is no cap on the number of employees who may use the system, subject to a fair use policy (terms and conditions apply).
More details on our product are available here.
In the meantime, why don’t you try it out for nothing! We have set up a simple Bribery compliance e-learning session for you to try and test yourself.
Click on this link and set yourself up as a new user.
The password to register as a new user is: January
If you are interested in using the system as a paying customer then please contact