Our events - Written by Barry & Richard on Sunday, January 29, 2012 3:30 - 0 Comments
14 May 2012: Our shipping anti-bribery masterclass with UK GC of AET
On 14 May 2012 from 2.30pm-5pm in our London office we are pleased to announce that, together with Simon Thornton UK Legal Counsel for AET, we shall be hosting a masterclass in anti-bribery & corruption for the Shipping Industry.
Let us help you navigate the turbulent waters of shipping Bribery Act compliance.
AET is one of the largest tanker operators in the world.
Simon has been working closely on implementing the AET systems and controls to comply with the UK Bribery Act.
AET’s core business is petroleum logistics and AET maintain and manages its own fleet of large and medium-sized crude oil tankers and a growing number of product vessels to service its customer base of oil companies and trading houses.
With its numerous touch points with government officials in a truly global business the shipping industry can face unique challenges when it comes to anti-bribery compliance.
No ordinary Bribery Act seminar
In this highly practical session you will hear about:
- The general challenges faced by those operating in the shipping industry & how to deal with them
- Are facilitation payments a problem in reality?
- Specific hot button areas to focus on
- What practical steps shipping businesses should consider taking to comply with the Bribery Act
- What you might do differently when you get back to your office
The session will focus on the practical realities of the shipping industry, the risks it faces and importantly the inside tips on managing those risks to an acceptable level.
The masterclass will run on the Chatham House Rule.
Attendance is free but places will be limited.
If you would like to participate please email: barry.vitou@pinsentmasons.com