Corporate hospitality - Written by on Friday, October 22, 2010 10:45 - 0 Comments

Alex, the Bribery Act & wine tastings

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We have previously posted on the attempts of Alex in the Daily Telegraph to outwit the UK’s Serious Fraud Office (SFO) and the prohibition on bribery through “corporate hospitality” under the Bribery Act.

This week Alex has been at it again in a two part cartoon on his most recent client wine tasting evening (part 1) Alex concludes that a fine wine tasting evening is education not bribery (part 2).

We’ve posted a number of times about corporate hospitality.  Most recently in our article “The Bribery Act, corporate hospitality & the burning questions: We answer them”

We’d strongly recommend Alex have a read.  We’d caution drawing the distinction that because you call something education then it won’t be considered a bribe.  Earlier this year Mr. Dougall found to his cost when convicted that in his case payments described as “Prof Ed.” were as the SFO describes them on its website “no more than euphemisms to make corrupt payments”.

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