Australia, Court Cases, Long arm jurisdiction - are you subject to the law? - Written by Barry & Richard on Sunday, July 3, 2011 11:17 - 0 Comments
Call for new Australian bribery laws as Federal Police bring first foreign bribery case
In a sign of the continuing global shift in the investigation and prosecution of Bribery the Australian Federal Police announced Friday 1 July that they are prosecuting a number of individuals in connection with a foreign bribery case.
UK arrests in relation to the same case were made in the autumn of last year.
New Australian bribery laws on the cards?
On the same day the Sydney Morning Herald reported that in a statement the Australian Federal Police said:
”As a result of various investigations on foreign bribery, the AFP has been liaising with the Attorney-General’s Department on suggested legislative changes regarding potential enhancement of current legislation,”
”The AFP continues to liaise closely with DFAT, including Austrade, and the Attorney-General’s Department to ensure all agencies have the most contemporary information to inform their practices, as well as a consistent and united approach in addressing these issues.”
Australia, like the UK before its enactment of the Bribery Act has endured years of criticism from the OECD on its lack of enforcement of Bribery violations. Until the Securency charges Australia had not prosecuted a single case notwithstanding its adoption of new anti bribery laws in 1999.